Independent Producing
Every once in awhile Devon branches out as an independent producer or develops her own creative projects. Below are a couple of her favorites.
Dead Air.
Dead Air was a “macabre evening of haunting radio plays and stiff drinks,” an experimental audio-performance project Devon developed with a handful of producing partners. A wonderful group of playwrights, such as Lauren Yee and Clay McLeod Chapman, adapted terrifying campfire stories from our childhoods for the radio, and a cast of New York-based theatre artists gave them life in front of a live audience. The one-night show was saucily hosted by David Mitsch, as a Halloween event at Bo’s downtown, and peppered with soul-stirring musical performances by Paulo Carminati, Jackie Kristel, and Joelle Lurie. The audio recording can be heard on Soundcloud below.
Everything Is Ours.
Devon joined up with fierce NYC company Colt Coeur as producer of the world premiere of Everything is Ours by Nikole Beckwith at HERE Arts Center, directed by Adrienne Campbell-Holt. The production garnered great press and word of mouth. Colt Coeur continues to be a force in the field, so check them out here, and click below to learn more about this project.