Feel free to Get in Touch if you’d like to discuss working with Devon in any of the below areas. These services can be contracted a la carte, or combined and customized into a tailored, collaborative partnership experience. All meeting services can be provided for virtual, hybrid or in-person convening and gathering experiences, from intimate to large-scale.
Project management.
Have a project that needs managing but low on staff capacity? Devon can support you with:
naming goals, outcomes, deliverables, and impact
mapping out timelines and team roles
managing budget tracking and goals
leading logistical coordination
designing and implementing evaluation process
Event management + meeting planning.
No matter the size, scope, format or modality of your event, Devon can partner with you on your event production needs. She specializes in:
leading coordination of all event production to support event goals (including AV, venue management, transportation, etc.)
leading/supporting event program design to align with production capabilities (including designing and distributing RFPs and calls for papers, evaluating programming submissions and curating an impactful speaker/session lineup)
meeting deadlines and staying on determined timeline
managing budget and payments
coordinating speakers from contracts to travel to on-site
attending to and planning for a variety of participant access needs (from disabilities to food allergies to child care)
vendor engagement and contracting
sponsorship coordination and communication
volunteer engagement and coordination
assembling and managing full event team
designing and implementing evaluation process
partnering on areas of fundraising, marketing and PR as needed
attending to and planning for event sustainability goals
attending to and planning for event safety considerations
Program design + strategy.
Whether you need thought partnership in navigating a particular stage of a program, or you’d like to collaborate on program design for an important initiative, Get in Touch for long-term or short-term support with:
determining timelines
articulating intended outcomes and impact
defining metrics for success, qualitative and quantitative
budget design in accordance with organizational goals
engaging stakeholders and team building
integrating program into overall organizational strategy and plans
determining evaluation process
Meeting + retreat facilitation.
If you have an upcoming large-scale conference session that needs a dynamic guide, or an internal intimate retreat that needs a thoughtful and values-oriented leader, Devon can both facilitate as well as join, or assemble, a facilitation team. Facilitation that goes beyond “emceeing” an event entails:
naming goals and outcomes
building meeting / community agreements
detailed, access-oriented agenda design
facilitating (or co-facilitating) participants live or virtually
managing healthy conflict
determining evaluation process
Organizational development + cultural strategy.
Your organization is only as strong as the people you hire, and the culture that exists whether you intend it to or not. If you are at a crossroads and need support with a certain area of organizational growth or transition, or need a collaborator to get your organization’s culture on track, Get in Touch for Devon’s help with:
collaborating with org leadership and staff on diagnostic data gathering
identifying areas for growth and improvement
delivering analyses and human-centered recommendations for organizational changes
working with staff on values articulation
case-making presentations to boards on areas for organizational improvement
collaborating with org leadership on assessing staff morale
strengthening org culture in alignment with org values and staff needs, using equity-based frameworks
Climate + sustainability consulting.
Desmond Tutu said: “Twenty-five years ago people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much, about climate change. Today we have no excuse.” No person or organization will escape the effects of climate change, and the effects are not one size fits all — they depend very much on your location, your budget, your community, your state and city climate and energy policies, and more. If you are an organizational leader most likely you care about climate change, but either don’t know how you and your org can affect meaningful change, or don’t have the internal bandwidth to make significant shifts in your org practices even if you’d like to. Devon can provide affordable support with and partnership in:
geographically specific organizational risk assessment for long-term environmental sustainability
tailored recommendations on reducing organizational carbon footprint
coaching leadership and staff on articulating climate values, and realigning organizational practices in accordance with those values
designing org climate action plans with equity-based frameworks and a justice lens
case-making presentations to boards on bolstering organizational climate resiliency
Workshops, presentations + mentorship.
Get in Touch if you’re interested in knowing more about Devon’s customizable one-time services to support your staff’s growth and development:
90-minute workshop for org staff on program analysis and determining internal metrics for success
2-hour workshop for executive staff on org culture analysis and opportunities for human-centered organizational growth
15-60 minute presentations on climate action to various stakeholder groups
associate staff-level mentorship on project management, event production, and program design